Warm Components in the Qualitative Research Process: Subjectivities, Reflexivity, Emotions, and Engagement with Others

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Kathia Rebeca Arreola-Rodríguez


Conducting a qualitative study confronts researchers, or researchers-to-be, with multiple challenges. These are related not only to knowledge of different research methodologies and methods (knowing how to do and knowing how to say), but also to the subjective aspects of the researcher (their emotions, personality, character, biography, and motivations). For this reason, these challenges require researchers to develop certain skills and competencies which encompass both methodological knowledge and reflections on their own emotions and vulnerabilities in the field of research, as well as dealing with frustration and uncertainty in the research process. In view of this, when it comes to training researchers, a greater emphasis is usually placed on the strictly cognitive dimension (knowledge and technique involved in doing research), while aspects of being a researcher, which include both personal and interpersonal as well as emotional aspects, are often overlooked. In other words, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to conducting research, and this brings into play the interests of the researcher, their personality, and motivations as well as the emotional challenges they experience in the field and in the development of a project. This is why this article has opted to name these skills and competencies “warm components,” as they refer to the subjective aspects of the researcher, in contrast to the competencies and skills that address issues related to the knowledge that researchers must possess (referred to as “cold components”). Through an initial systematization of previous work by various authors, we characterize these skills, emotions, attributes, and competencies, reflecting on the role that warm components play not only in the research process but also in the process of becoming a qualitative researcher. Finally, this article points out the importance of investigating how warm components are acquired or developed, and proposes to include them more explicitly in the training of future researchers.


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Arreola-Rodríguez, K. R. (2023). Warm Components in the Qualitative Research Process: Subjectivities, Reflexivity, Emotions, and Engagement with Others. Revista Latinoamericana De Metodología De Las Ciencias Sociales (ReLMeCS), 13(2), e132. https://doi.org/10.24215/18537863e132


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