Biographical approach and teaching work: times, spaces and turning points in the trajectories of UNPAZ professors

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Lucía Petrelli
Mara Mattioni


Universidad Nacional de José Clemente Paz (UNPAZ) is part of a set of public universities fostered between 2009 and 2015 in Argentina which, from their inception, aimed at the inclusion of sectors of the population who had not generally had access to these institutions before. This article seeks to document, from a biographical approach, the ways in which teachers of the Department of Economics, Production and Technological Innovation of the UNPAZ enunciate and characterize their arrival at that university as turning points in their life and work trajectories. For this purpose, we pay special attention to the meanings that the teachers interviewed bring into play in relation to the institutional environment and its imprint, and to how different aspects of teaching work (teaching, research, outreach) converge in a scenario permeated by the creation of courses of study with a tinge of innovation.The approach to these trajectories is strongly based on the categories of time and space, which are central to the biographical approach, and it recovers those "turning points" that seem to spark reconfigurations from the stories narrated.


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Petrelli, L., & Mattioni, M. (2022). Biographical approach and teaching work: times, spaces and turning points in the trajectories of UNPAZ professors. Revista Latinoamericana De Metodología De Las Ciencias Sociales (ReLMeCS), 12(2), e117.


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