Research into the field of art. Introduction of a case and levels of anchoring
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Many times in the research on the field of art the terms are ambiguous if they are not specified. We go through the distinction between ontological questions (types of object of investigations), epistemological (produced knowledge) and methodological itself (discussion about the links with social science). At the same time, we draw a distinction between the research in the field of art and the artistic research itself. Also in the artistic research, we deal with the meaning of one type of questioning creative aesthetic in the investigation of new languages and modalities of art works. This work tries to be an excuse for, presenting an ongoing exploration, inside the house/museum El fogón de los arrieros, we could update briefly a debate about two linked conceptions; the artistic research and the investigation about artistic objects. Moreover, risking and an approaching proposal with data matrix to stratify the levels of analysis leaving questions for future considerations that contains the features of the theoretical and practical investigation about arts
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How to Cite
Arqueros, N. G. (2015). Research into the field of art. Introduction of a case and levels of anchoring. Revista Latinoamericana De Metodología De Las Ciencias Sociales (ReLMeCS), 5(2). Retrieved from
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