“Quantophrenia” and “artefacts” or “doxa” in the kingdom of “episteme”. Use and abuse of summed estimation scales in teaching performance assessment in contexts of university higher education

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Héctor Mora Nawrath


This work presents a methodological reflection on the use of summed estimation scales or Likert scales in teaching performance assessment in the university context. Information is presented in the framework of the technical prescriptions for scales of this kind, together with a series of observations referring to the relevance of applying them for assessment purposes and their limitations as tools for the generation of knowledge. It is concluded that the Likert scale may be used in the context of assessments, subject to all the requirements associated with its application and analytical-interpretative treatment and recognising the insuperable problems which it presents; this will allow the construction of the numerical datum to be weighed and relativised. This approach throws a critical light on the ‘quantophrenic’, ‘artefactual’ nature of its application, revealing the contradictions of its use in the context of a discourse which places teacher assessment in the framework of policies on quality in higher education


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Mora Nawrath, H. (2015). “Quantophrenia” and “artefacts” or “doxa” in the kingdom of “episteme”. Use and abuse of summed estimation scales in teaching performance assessment in contexts of university higher education. Revista Latinoamericana De Metodología De Las Ciencias Sociales (ReLMeCS), 5(1). Retrieved from https://www.relmecs.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/relmecs_v05n01a03