Three metaphysical dualisms that have governed the epistemology of knowledge in the West and three theoretical options that seek to overthrow them

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Flavio Augusto Salgado Bustillos


The present article constitutes a reflection derived from the analysis of the thought of Norbert Elias, Bruno Latour and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, whose theoretical constructs are oriented to question the metaphysical dualisms inherited from the Cartesian philosophy. The objectives of the research consist in analyze how these dualisms limit the understanding of the connections between the human and the non-human by the social sciences, as well as expose the new theoretical approaches that together represent a new ontological turn against that "asymmetric" anthropology and that sociology "of the social", as criticized by Latour.


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Salgado Bustillos, F. A. (2019). Three metaphysical dualisms that have governed the epistemology of knowledge in the West and three theoretical options that seek to overthrow them. Revista Latinoamericana De Metodología De Las Ciencias Sociales (ReLMeCS), 9(2), e058.


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